Sunday, May 13, 2007

summary about An Inconvenient Truth

The former via president Al Gore show us a global problem caused by human. He talk about the global warming. This problem become to the serves for the last few years. The scientists say there will be a climate in the next few ducats. Al Gore show us in nice funny engaging way , how the problem started in the first place and how it will be ended. Recently we saw real dramatic changing, like big herocains, floods, heat waves. These phenomena’s happen in unusual time and placed that should not be happen on it. Also Al Gore, put the idea that will help to solve the problem in some way. By changing or make on new power resources. The motor companies should change the way they work and the way they produce cars some companies makes cars work in hydrogen, but the government show no interest in this product.
All in all, I can find the show is presently a series problem that we must face it now, or we will be in deep problem with climate a round us or we will do nothing and see the world go to global dis

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